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May 14, 2021

5 Signs You May Be in Need of a Radiator RepairThe cooling system in your car is an impressive set of mechanical components that work together to keep your engine from basically melting itself. This system includes the radiator, a thermostat, a water pump, a fan, a belt, and hoses. Since the radiator is the life support of the entire cooling system, you’ll need a radiator repair or replacement if yours begins to fail. Keep reading to see 5 signs that tell you your car may be in need of a radiator repair.

1. A Rising Temperature Gauge

We hope you are always paying attention to the lights and alerts on your dashboard, one of which is your temperature gauge. This little needle keeps you aware of how your radiator and engine are working together. If the needle begins to rise, that means your radiator is not getting the coolant to the engine quick enough. If the engine can’t cool off, it will overheat and potentially cause serious damage.

2. The Appearance of White Steam

Steam and smoke are two things you never want to see emanating from your vehicle. Smoke is usually linked to the transmission, but white steam is likely from the coolant literally boiling due to the radiator fan malfunctioning. If this happens while driving, pull over immediately. Sometimes pouring water over the radiator is enough to let you drive to the service center, but other times a tow may be wise.

3. Low Levels of Coolant

From time to time be sure to check the coolant level. Doing this on a routine basis will let you know as soon as possible if the level is low and you will avoid any larger problems. If it is low, there is likely a leak, and if it has changed in color then it is contaminated and needs to be flushed.

4. A Noticeable Coolant Leak

Coolant is typically bright yellow or neon green in color, so it will be easy to identify if you suddenly see drops or a puddle forming on the pavement below your car. This liquid can also turn more of a rusty color if it has been polluted with either external or internal debris. Place a piece of cardboard under your vehicle to protect the ground, and make a service appointment.

5. Front Vent Is Not Heating

A telltale sign that your radiator is not functioning well is if there is only cool air coming from the vents when you’d like it to be warm. Hot coolant flows through the heater core where a blower fan sends the warmer air out into the cabin. If that air is not getting warmed, it is likely that the radiator is damaged or clogged, or there could be a coolant leak.

If a radiator problem is not dealt with in a timely manner it will undeniably lead to more serious damage to your engine. Our service team is knowledgeable and ready to help you with any part of your car, so call or stop by Porsche Warwick today and let us help you fix and maintain your car.

Image courtesy of porsche.com